Thursday, September 15, 2011

Almost a month...

So there it is..... it's been almost a month since I last posted.

If this makes no sense I blame my stuffy head and cold.

Today I have been pondering on how I can learn to love my life.... I know I know, this may sound like a downer post but it won't be I promise! I will even pinky promise!

The store has been getting busier, and busier and each day more and more stock keeps coming. It has been fun to get some "regular customers" ones that I know their names and recognize their faces!

I am currently working on a possible move come January and also working on getting an online store up and running for Splurge.....Yay! I know!

I am grateful for the blessings I have right now, and I have many, but for whatever reason sometimes I have a hard time focusing on those blessings NOW. I keep looking for the blessings that I want....

So I am on a mission to savor the many things that I am blessed with. To simplify my life and to look and re evaluate all the things that i hope and desire for and to put them into perspective.

  • I really would like to go on one big trip! I need to explore another corner of the world! Exploring and experiencing new cultures grounds me, and ignites a passion in me for life....

  • Decorate my home with things that are me....and pieces of me and of the ones that I love.

  • Document my life..I have this feeling as of recent that if I begin to document the little bits in my life that I will be more grateful for everything, one and person in my life. photojournal/art journal here I come!

  • Serve those around me more....when i serve someone it truly brings me so much joy! I have been served soooo much by those around me in the past few years that I really need to work harder at being aware of those who standing in need of a little lift, and then to go and lift them!

So there you have a few of my jarbled garbled thoughts of the day!

Thank you for being my fabulous friends! xoxox

1 comment:

Sarah M said...

Let's go to Europe! I neeeeeeed to go back to France/Switzerland and have some chocolate and fresh baguettes.