Thursday, August 4, 2011

Funny. Well sort of.

Today has been a quite morning. So quite in fact that I painted my nails at work, they even got to dry entirely with no smudges :)

Life is funny sometimes...

Last night I was painting my bed frame in between waffle Wednesday and institute. I got carried away and realized I was already late for institute. I decided I should just finish what I was doing and maybe skip out this week.

I then had this tugging feeling in my heart that I needed to go. I kept thinking there was no reason and that I could just stay home and get some things done around the house, yet that feeling persisted.

I got in my car and went. When I got to the building I was walking in and saw this girl sitting outside her eyes just brimming with tears. I asked if she was okay and gave her a big Kara style hug. I had met this girl for the first time about a month ago on Canada day and have not really seen her since. We spent the rest of institute sitting in the hallway just chatting about life.

I spent the evening with her and a couple of other friends. We chatted and went to BP's for a bite to eat.

So today, my friends I am grateful for a moment that helped me to feel like the experiences and struggles I have had in the last few years could help lift someone else. I am grateful for a nagging in my heart ......that I listened to. And I am grateful to have gotten to know this lovely girl better. And lastly I am grateful for those people in my life who have listened to that nagging and in doing so have lightened my load.

You know who you are.

Thank-you from the bottom of my heart and from every corner of my soul.

I hope my blog has not become to heavy for you....

I guess me blogging about my journey helps me process it....

And hopefully my journey will help encourage someone else along the way....

1 comment:

Kirsten Williams said...

Don't ever apologize for stating what you need, got inspiring others and for being the beautiful soul you are. I'm glad you listened.