Saturday, December 31, 2011

One Little Word.

So this will be the first year I participate in One Little Word. I have been inspired by Miss Nadine who had faithfully done it the past few years.

I was reading the list of words from Ali Edwards blog and the word light spoke to me.

So this year my focus will be light.

This year I will be a source of light.

I will seek spiritual awareness; illumination.

I will seek a state of understanding.

I will strive to be a person who inspires or is adored by others; a luminary.

I will light, set on fire; ignite or kindle my passions.

I will seek to give out light; make luminous my surroundings.

I will seek to enliven or animate.

And lastly I will focus on being free from worries or troubles; with little weight and few burdens: I will travel light.

please wish me luck and love in this journey.

xoxo kara lee

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