Monday, October 3, 2011

Manic Monday.

It's just another manic monday.....woah oh oh....I wish it were sunday.....woah oh oh.....that's my fun day....

Okay so let's be honest, I couldn't think of what to title this post and that song popped into my head.

And yes it is totally true that sunday was and is my fun day.

I love this past sunday especially because it was General Conference. I love Conference soooo much!

I also had the opportunity to reunite with a few long lost friends....first my old EFY counselor and her "little" brother who just so happens to be the same age as me.

I had dinner with their family and watched the afternoon session of conference. Then Andrew and I talked and talked and talked. It was fun. SO nice to see Jen and see her beautiful family....she has 5 gorgeous girls and is an amazing mother.

Funny the first time I met Andrew I accidentally slammed his whole hand in a car door! Whoops...lets just say I felt real terrible!

Today I am doing my catch up things at the store and trying to make decisions about which space I should lease downtown.

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