Thursday, July 14, 2011

As he wishes....

So this young man turned nine on July 10th. I can hardly believe it! He is so smart and has a very tender heart. I am so very blessed to be his aunty. For his birthday he requested a slumber party with aunty kara, just the two of us.

So the evening began with a trip to marble slab for ice-cream and then off to purchase fire wood.

This is him roasting marshmallows.

We did a good job of designing the sidewalk and even created a walk of fame.

My dearest Jayce you are very precious to me. Continue to become the young man I know you to be, you are smart, funny and have a very tender heart. Please do not loose this, it will help you to listen to the whisperings of the spirit.

I love you forever and always, even if you won't let me kiss you anymore.


Aunty Tee Taw

1 comment:

Kelli Olsen said...

wow. I remember when he was born! Time flies! How special that out of all the things he could have chosen for his birthday he wanted to spend it with you!