Yes You! You can, I know you can! You may ask yourself what does this girl know?! Who is she to tell me I can do hard things....who is she to say that when she has no idea what I am going through!
Okay, I will admit I don't know exactly what you are going through.
But I do know who you are. And that my beautiful friend is a daughter of God. You are divine. You are amazing, unique and have talents that He has blessed you with. He trusts you to handle the trials before you.
I did something this morning. and it was H.A.R.D. I mean hard. I was brave and I did something I thought I couldn't do. But I am glad and it is a sign that I am stronger, and that I am becoming more whole.
I called my Uncle to help give me that last little shove. And I am grateful for his support and love. I bet you have someone in your life that could be that cheerleader for you. Call them. And then go and do that hard thing. You. Can.
I send my love and encouragement to you and I leave you with one of my favorite quotes from Mother Teresa.